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My Journey to create a slack app that has 10000 users
7 points by HiDavidDay on Oct 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hi All, I am creating a free slack app that is going to help remote teams. It allows teams to easily run agile processes such as story/task estimations. My goal is to get it to 10k users a month.

Why am I writing here?

one word, accountability. I like to write down my journey so others can see it and I feel accountable this way. I am a solo developer so It is hard to keep going without any external feedback

What's in it for you?

I will mostly share my learnings so if it helps you, great, if not, I hope you don't mind.

What did I learn lately?

I have been trying to decide between cloud services like AWS or GCP vs self-managed hosting. Cloud services have come up a long way and offer a generous free tier. I will share a simple setup with GCP cloud functions and firebase hosting to host your project for a few pennies and almost zero ongoing maintenance.

Slack has a really nice dev setup that allows webhook-based interaction and API-based interaction. Webhook is a simple URL that processes HTTP requests. I will probably use the webhook approach for now.

I found that it is hard to get good domain names. I tried looking at expired domains websites and found some good .com domains that are cheap so don't rule out the expired domain method for your next project.

that's all for now, thanks for reading, will post some more tips next time

Good on ya!

Try indiehackers.com for chronicling your journey.

Courtland has made it specifically for this sort of thing.

thanks, indiehackers needs an invite code to join and it's pretty hard to get one so it's a blocker.

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