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camillomiller on Oct 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

This somehow feels like a scam/deception to me idk why. (I could be wrong.)

It would be cool to find out that World Coin was a ploy to get someone to come up with a way to create fake retinas. Like an edgy X-Prize.

I find this entire project weird. I wouldn't let anybody scan my retina for a few $

They claim to be making fake retinas, not that they actually work. I would imagine the device is fully capable of measuring anterior chamber depth and the like making any image/display just not work. I should query my optometrist brother-in-law about that sort of thing.

Part of my does wonder if other mammal eyes work though, I could see someone reaching out to their friend that volunteers at an animal shelter and being like "yo, let me in after hours and let's scan doggo eyes and make a little extra money".

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