Why do you prefer an HTTP API versus a DB connection? Isn't the former going to inherently have the overhead cost of creating the connection + TLS handshakes?
My question is similar, which is, is CockroachDB going to have an equivalent RDS proxy so that apps can handle traffic spikes and not have to deal with problems with DB connection pools
I think we won't be getting socket connections in some of the wasm powered JS runtime engines soon. Using http solves that, and a bunch of caching issues.
there are some great projects that present an http api for postgres that you could use with CRDB I think. I'm thinking of something like https://github.com/pramsey/pgsql-http
I kind of assumed this came with an HTTP api, woops :) I've been using Airtable with Workers for tiny side projects. This seemed like a nice alternative to Airtable's lack of support for vanilla SQL.