Hope they disable some of the Tesla Easter eggs. Having the road diagram turn into a rainbow and Don’t Fear The Reaper blast out of the speakers because you hit an on screen button four times is pretty unnerving if you’re familiar with the car and really wouldn’t be what you want having just got off a long flight and driving in a city you don’t know in a car you don’t know.
christ, I want a cool electric car more and more. but reading stuff like this all the time is just re-enforcing my decision to leave Tesla off that list of potentials.
A car is a tool I use to get my family around from point A to B SAFELY. Its also a fairly significant chunk of debt, and I want it to last a long time and behave EXACTLY the way I expect it to. Every day.
Thus far there isn’t really a no-nonsense EV with limited tech and phsyical buttons for everything. Once you go the big center screen route you are kind of locking yourself into an infotainment computer that will be obsolete long before the cars powertrain is and an interface that will change over time like a modern smartphone.
Once you know those truths, Tesla isn’t a bad choice as their computers are at least partially upgradeable and the interface changes have been decent from my perspective (although this is hugely subjective).
I see this sort of “concern trolling” so often around Tesla and I just shake my head. Really, an easter egg inspires this reaction? I’m sorry, I don’t believe it.
A good chunk of this is that Tesla's are designed very carefully for these exact tests.
I'm willing to bet performance would drop substantially if you modified the test even a little - for example changing the collision angle from 0 degrees to 5 degrees.
Other car manufacturers also 'design for the test', but less so I suspect.