Now as far as big little countries, this one seems to have a population (non-resident) of 2k. This is huge for a micronation, although by definition of the word, it seems Hong Kong would be the largest micronation. This is because size does not define the term - only that the residents claim they're a country and most other countries don't recognize them as one. Other notable micronation is of course the famous Sealand, hosting the world's child porn from an abandoned oil platform.
First. Without the "ant(i)" it refers to the North pole, not the South. Antarctica" means "land on the opposite side from the Arctic". "Arctic" is formed from "Arctus" which is Latin for Polar Bear, and means "Land of the polar bears".
"Westarctica" would mean "Western land of the Polar bears".
However, East and West are _relative_ terms. West of what?
A Big Little Park
A Little Big Song:
Now as far as big little countries, this one seems to have a population (non-resident) of 2k. This is huge for a micronation, although by definition of the word, it seems Hong Kong would be the largest micronation. This is because size does not define the term - only that the residents claim they're a country and most other countries don't recognize them as one. Other notable micronation is of course the famous Sealand, hosting the world's child porn from an abandoned oil platform.