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How to run better meetings: use the jury model (economist.com)
3 points by ohjeez on Oct 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Interesting- I'd say it misses:

1. foreperson - maybe this is obvious but someone should be in charge of procedure

2. Most importantly- the directions from the judge. The jury is deliberating specific question of fact, that have been pre-framed for them (and had a body of evidence laid out for them). This is not the same as any business decision meeting I've ever been in. If someone has already done the work to get the questions and evidence lined up, I bet the jury model does work well to get a dispassionate impartial decision. I doubt this construct occurs very often for business decisions.

I was disappointed that the end was just like "oh and here are some weird examples of juries going horribly wrong" without making any suggestions for how to address analogous situations in corporate meetings.

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