I was really suprised about TikTok. I did a lot of social media marketing for nonprofits before I was locked up, so I was very into social media.
The thing with TikTok is that there are tons of videos helping, supporting and bringing awareness to issues such as ADHD, OCD, Tourettes, differing sexualities, gender identity etc, that are really refreshing and have really helped me to understand myself and my neuro-problems that caused me to get locked up. No other social network has that type of content.
Facebook was huge in 2013 and still relevant. Now I barely use it at all. I think Facebook has some big problems. I don't want to say it will go the way of MySpace as Facebook has been much better at adapting than MySpace was, and Facebook has some way smarter people and more money. It might even come back into trend again in the future if their "Meta" projects take flight.
The media only really shows the goofiest or cutest videos from social media. Nothing of any real worth. So my view of TikTok was very fucked up. TikTok is different for every person that uses it since your For You page is based around how you interact with the videos it gives you. I get zero people dancing on my page, and a lot of really smart content.
Also, for the first five years I didn't have any access to the news, for security reasons, so I was very cut off.
It's a label I use to group together the ways that society continuously ruins a transgressor's life, long after they've paid their penalty.
By moving the goalposts further and further away, we've made redemption effectively impossible & wiped out the strongest motivations for people to learn and improve from mistakes (penalized by justice systems).
Amen, brother. 90% of the people I saw in jail were there because of this. Once they had a black mark against them society would not let them reenter and they were forced onto the margins where inevitably something would happen that would cause them to reenter the justice system. Sometimes something as small as not being able to get to an AA meeting because they had no transport. Maybe 25% of the jail population were those who had made a minor transgression while on an ankle monitor awaiting trial and were rearrested for it. The lawmakers in Illinois recently passed a law allowing you to be able to buy groceries while on an ankle monitor, but just before the law became effective it was rescinded.
Oh, nothing warrants it at all. The jails just like to control everything, even if there is no reason for it. Their policy is basically restrict everything and then dial back once sued.
> it's actually fucking awesome for those of us with "neurodiversity".
Can you expand upon that a bit?
How engaged were you with social media before your sentence, and has that (or will that) change now that you've had some space from it?
> we would see the occasional video on the news
How does the picture that the media paints of the internet & social media compare to your observations now that you're able to use it hands-on?