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I see a mob with fists as a level of threat, rocks as a higher level, and guns as an even higher level.

My previous post had a flaw, though. I was thinking of fireworks that shoot something that burns and explodes, which flares are not. Flares are a lot less dangerous than that, and are not much of a threat. (I guess you could throw it or shove it in someone's face.) So my analogy with 2nd-amendment-vs-gun-control kind of breaks down. I'm leaving the previous post unedited for history, but it was wrong.

So at that point... you've got a group that is protesting, and they claim they aren't marching, so they aren't really threatening anyone. But at that point, they're still present. That is, by their own logic, where someone else's presence threatens them, well, they're present, so they are a threat too, right?

So, even though my previous post was wrong, the protesters' logic still doesn't make any sense.

Right. The result of the protest is an unsafe environment for the professor. My point is just that any protest I can think of, whether it’s outside a government building, a business, or on a college campus, involves being present, so it doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. That’s not to say I condone an unsafe work environment, to be clear.

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