It's not magical. I forget commands all the time, then all I need to do is type `M-x` (to enter a command, like `Ctrl+P` in VSCode I think) and enter `magit ...` where I get auto-complete (if I do it often, I try to remember the keyboard shortcut, but that's optional).
Also, while in magit, you can type `?` to see the list of available commands from the location where you're pointing at... the commands are single-letters, so you normally do `?`, find the description you want, type `p` (push I think!?) or `c` (commit) or whatever... it's really easy and convenient.
This is one of the things that makes Emacs one of the coolest pieces of software to me. 98% of the operations it can do, are defined in functions, which you can search for easily in the M-x pane with something like Helm, and boom. Even navigation. It's a near fully self-documenting editor that I rarely need to look up help on. Never forget how to activate an action again. Remember what the action is, type it, find the matching command that is aptly-named, push enter to run it. And, with Helm for example, it even shows the keybind next to it.
Also, while in magit, you can type `?` to see the list of available commands from the location where you're pointing at... the commands are single-letters, so you normally do `?`, find the description you want, type `p` (push I think!?) or `c` (commit) or whatever... it's really easy and convenient.