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I have been amazed of what Eric has created single-handedly already, and am so pleased he's doing something new! Stardew Valley is a prime example of what I want in modern games and so often find lacking. No microtransactions, single-player-friendly, not graphic-intensive. Not every game needs to or should be Stardew Valley, of course, but there's not enough Stardew Valleys out there.

Few of us are as talented as Eric is, but I wish more of us tried a little harder to create what we wish existed, and not fall into the trap of what's popular. To bastardize legend, "If I were not [me], I wish I were [ConcernedApe]."

I think about this all the time. I’m pretty young, don’t want kids, and tech pays so well right now, that I’m quite optimistic that I’ll have the opportunity to pursue a pure passion project like this in my 30s or 40s, heavily inspired by ConcernedApe

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