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Show HN: Build a MAAS and LXD environment in 30 minutes with Multipass on Ubuntu (maas.io)
4 points by vedikan123 on Oct 19, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I'm the product manager for https://maas.io and the author of this tutorial, would be awesome to get feedback and suggestions.

The idea was to make it much faster to get hands on with MAAS since not everybody can easily build a physical environment. I decided to use Multipass because of the cloud-init support.

I hoped I could get it to work easily on windows and mac, but had a few issues with nested VMs there. I'm thinking about how to un-nest them, but it might require a few multipass VMs on a bridge. Edit: I have had reports it works fine on Windows with Hyper-V.

Anyway the tutorial as it is should work just fine on Ubuntu for now. I hope people actually try it :).

People might also find the cloud-init setup interesting, auto installing MAAS, auto configuring it, setting up LXD, etc.

Great tutorial, I liked it and may try in the future. It would be interesting to see if this setup can also work on a small Ubuntu cluster of RPi's (low powered ARM processors).

Cool! It actually worked!

I'm the author of the tutorial, really happy it worked for you! Do you have any thoughts or feedback for me, would love to hear it.

MAAS = Metal As A Service

That is absolutely correct! It turns your data centre into a bare metal cloud.

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