I find it funny (pun intended) that you consider this learning, when on a basic level it's the opposite of that.
If anything can be deemed offensive (and it will be, because there are people who profit from scolding others), and nothing is ever forgotten in the internet age, the eventuality of your mentality is no one being allowed to communicate about anything at all.
What's worth doing is making fun of you, ironically. Because making fun of people like you is, historically, how flawed ideologies are cast aside.
I'm not confusing anything, it's you who has a basic misunderstanding of how this all works.
You don't get to determine the rules and context of communication for other people, you only get to determine them for yourself. I don't mean rules and context in a modern political and/or cultural sense, I mean them in a basic interpretive sense.
The text is in the eye of the beholder. Not in the eye of the mob who didn't read the text.