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CNN clip:


You are right. Live video is less clumsy. The caption still breaks it, but that is not reporter's fault.

So now the question becomes whether the caption is misleading.

Misleading can have an implied motive. I said that the chyron was clumsy in my first comment, so I agree it is bad and should have been clearer. However we have nothing to suggest that that was purposeful with an intent to mislead. It can just be someone making a careless mistake.

Also now that you recognize the video's message is clearer than the single screenshot, I would ask you to consider why you have primarily seen the screenshot. Is that maybe because the people sharing it are doing it based on their own biases and motives rather than the merit of the report itself?

Oh, there is zero doubt about that part. The moment this video showed up, it was like Christmas in July for the right side of the political spectrum in US. What you call careless mistake, I see as the problem with modern journalism. It does not even need a spin. You just show one frame and meme theory will take care of the rest.

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