Maybe it's because I'm using the python bindings, but it took me about an hour to go from never using it to having it do what I needed it to do. I just messed around in a jupyter notebook until I got what I needed working. Tab complete on live objects is your friend. The hardest part was figuring out where to download a headless browser from.
Though I do prefer requests/bs4. I wrote a helper to generate a requests.Session object from a selenium Browser object. I had something recently where the only thing I needed the javascript engine for was a login form that changed. So by doing it this way I didn't have to rewrite the whole thing. Still kind of bothers me I didn't take the time to figure out how to do it without the headless browser, but it works fine, and I have other things to do.
Though I do prefer requests/bs4. I wrote a helper to generate a requests.Session object from a selenium Browser object. I had something recently where the only thing I needed the javascript engine for was a login form that changed. So by doing it this way I didn't have to rewrite the whole thing. Still kind of bothers me I didn't take the time to figure out how to do it without the headless browser, but it works fine, and I have other things to do.