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Gallery 3.1 (github.com/bwdutton)
10 points by LinuxBender on Oct 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Linking this old project that is still somewhat maintained. I used this ages ago and deployed it for some friends. I hope some day people take interest and fork this project. [1] This is not my project, just something I have found useful in the past. Self hosting provides some additional control and reduces censorship. I hope there are still some PHP developers out there.

[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallery_Project

Screenshots would be of great help

Good point. Their main website does not use HTTPS but they do have some screenshots of demo sites. [1] It appears anyone can submit their gallery site, so browse with care.

[1] - http://galleryproject.org/gallery/g3demosites/index.html

I tried the first 18 and not a single one is working.

All of this gives me phpnuke vibes. Would not recommend.

Yeah his site has been around since 2001 and I doubt he bothers to clear out dead sites. That's why I would love to see someone fork this and give it the much needed TLC, especially removing the need to disable safe_mode in PHP.

this is the simplest gallery software I ever used


just drop it into apache. create a gallery virtualhost on your machine, use apahe's userdir to create a gallery userdir and then every user on your machine can just drop in pictures into ~/gallery/ and it just works (thumbnails, different sizes, htaccess for security).

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