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Agreed. The country will be better off if things spread out a little over tthe country. You could argue that the high density of companies in SV is actually causing a lot of problems for a lot of people who need a place to live.

It’s funny to me whenever someone makes this argument that the cause of the housing crisis is too many successful companies. Most cities are bending over backwards to get some of these jobs, will it cause the same problems in those cities, if not why not?

The whole thing feels like a narrative attempt at scapegoating versus the more direct hypothesis: you can not constrain supply to near flat in a growing region and expect things to work out, but of course this is very hard to address since current policies benefit existing property owners.

It’s not just housing, but essential supplies like food and water are stressed. Transportation infrastructure is overloaded. Degradation of environmental resources, made worse by global warming. The percentage of the population living in coastal counties keeps increasing. It is not sustainable.

Everybody needs water to survive, but you can still drown in too much of it.

Most places grow by sprawl with few if any complaints.

Density would be contentious anywhere; the coastal housing crisis cities are unique in that it's their only option.

I mostly worry about cultural divergence and growing discontent.

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