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Raphaël: Cross-Browser JavaScript Vector Graphics Library (raphaeljs.com)
38 points by revorad on Aug 27, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

How very cool!

@bradgessler -- probably better to keep these things out and use your fav JS framework, no? If anything, this very neat "SVG/VML abstraction layer" might make it into one of the established libraries eventually.

@geuis -- true, but not a deal breaker because I think in many cases it's more sensible to build a dedicated iPhone site anyway. Nothing beats adapting your offering to the devices strengths (touch) and shortcomings (screen size).

@maximilian -- what bothers you about Flash video that wouldn't bother you in an SVG version with video support?

Actually, this is one more step toward having separate technology layer for separate concerns. Just like CSS (ideally) separates formatting and styles from HTML mark-up, vectors are great for separating certain visual effects and design artifacts, and rounded corners and stripes from the actual images your site uses to display actual pictures.

Just add animation, tweening libraries, and you'll have a nice cross-browser flash/sliverlight competitor.

If there was a good way to add video, it'd be totally deal breaking... I'm not entirely sure how that would work, but I'd love to be free from flash video.

I approve.

doesn't work on safari on the iPhone. Author needs to doublecheck his list of compatible browsers

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