Hillarious that they said it was an opt in feature, then when I checked my settings all these boxes were checked already. Who opted in for me, mozilla?
It seems like it is opt-in. Just that the opt-in happens with the pop-up described in the link you mentioned [0]. I recall both seeing the pop-up and opt-ing in now that I see the pop-up.
v.93 I don't even see Firefox Suggest in those settings.
Linux distro removed it? Or Firefox know apple, windows people will just put up with anything but linux people probably won't?
edit: Don't see it on an v.93 on an old mac laptop either.
checkboxes for browsing history, bookmarks, open tabs, shortcuts, search engines only. I wanna yell fake news out of FF loyalty boosterism but I do actually believe you so I wonder what's going on?
I'm actually on V. 92.0.1 on Mac OS, in the US if that helps. Maybe they are AB testing this and gauging fallout. Here's a paste of what I have in my settings > privacy and security menu under address bar:
Address Bar — Firefox Suggest
Choose the type of suggestions that appear in the address bar:
Browsing history
Open tabs
Search engines
Contextual suggestions (this was checked when i became aware of these settings and went to look)
Learn more
Include occasional sponsored suggestions (this was also checked)
Well anyone who agrees to what microsoft forces on you by running windows is hardly going to object to anything firefox does. Firefox isn't spyware, windows clearly is nowadays.