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Yes it does. Just replace the vaccine with snake oil and follow it to its logical conclusions.

I'll use some BS numbers to make the point. Let's assume: study population of 100, 20% of the population had a prior infection, half are given the snake oil.

Starting conditions:

1. Never infected, Never Snaked: 40

2. Prior infected, Never Snaked:10

3. Never infected, Snaked: 40

4. Prior infected, Snaked: 10

Now let's assume wave 2 happens. 20% of the never infected gets infected, and 0% of the previously infected get reinfected.

Both groups 1+2 combined and 3+4 combined have an average infection rate of 16% for wave 2. The groups are equal because snake oil is bullshit.

What the Ars author was suggesting is to compare group 1 with group 3+4 combined. Now you have a 20% infection rate vs a 16% infection rate. The snake oil appears to have an (20-16)/20 = 25% effectiveness just by including previously acquired immunity.

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