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Walmart profits from their store and sets the rules from their store. The incentive is to make the store a place people want to spend money. This is the same as almost any other store isn't it?

You do that by making it safe and comfortable for users (or in androids case maybe by doing deals with phone companies to pre-load their apps and make money off users there ).

Apple is only partly successful, they have 15% market share in phones or so. But one area they've been good at is trust - users on an iphone probably spend a lot more (it's also harder to pirate, so what developers give up in profits they make back in lack of pirating).

Except, as a seller, I have multiple avenues to deliver my product to customers other than Walmart. On top of that, Walmart charges a fee per sale [1], and doesn't get to double dip into additional services rendered on top of that product. As soon as the sale is done through Walmart, they're cut out of the picture. Could you imagine Walmart demanding a 30% cut of profits if I sell a video game with in-game purchases--just because they performed the task of stocking it on the shelf?

[1] https://deliverr.com/blog/costs-of-selling-on-walmart-vs-ama...

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