> Pommery moutarde de meaux: Truly excellent. You can put it on something as simple as a sandwich and elevate it, or you can put it on grilled meats like lamb or veal. This is the Rolls Royce of mustard.
This is a whole grain mustard and imo far better than maille.
My parents graduated a while ago from Maille's "moutarde à l'ancienne" to Pommery - definitely the more sophisticated option. Maille's "moutarde à l'ancienne" isn't bad at all though and it is actually a slightly different variety so both can peacefully cohabitate in the same fridge. I still have a soft spot for Maille's "moutarde au poivre vert" I grew up with.
I go through 10-ish jars a year of various brands of coarse-ground, whole seed mustard. Personally, I feel there is no better topping on most meats and deli sandwiches.
My kin! I scoured the article for "whole grain" and "seed". Nothing. It's so good.