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Havana Syndrome or Hypochondria? (documentcloud.org)
2 points by a0-prw on Oct 1, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Neither. My opinion is that it is a real problem, but the cause is not 'adversaries' but 'workplace injuries'.

A better name than 'Havana Syndrome' would be 'Spook Syndrome'. There is something that those "diplomatic staff" (CIA, etc) are doing, or have had done to them, that is causing their injuries.

Some previous 'Syndromes' and their causes: Agent Orange cancers and child deformities caused by Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War; 'Gulf Syndrome' caused by the anti-nerve-agent antidotes given to Gulf War soldiers.

From the executive summary:

- not enough data to reach a definitive final conclusion on the source

- symptoms were confirmed medically

- definitely not ultrasounds

- definitely not microwaves

- recorded 'strange' sounds were a cricket, with very high confidence based on spectral lines match up

- no plausible relationship between any of the recorded or reported sounds and long term effects

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