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I would love to see a reboot of Byte Magazine even if it only came back in digital form.

A digital-only publication cannot survive without playing the same content strategy games as all the other publications out there.

A new BYTE would quickly start diluting its value by offering a podcast, YT channel, IG/Snap Stories, affiliate links and a website slathered with Adsense ads. You'll wonder why they bothered rebooting it in the first place.

Or... It's subscription only, and maybe those other things don't matter so much.

No one can resist adsense. "Yeah let's just skip out on that $50k a month, our customers don't want to see all those ads." The incintive, like free money for corporate stock buybacks, is just irresistible.

All depends on the format, does it not?

A printed publication, perhaps with audio supplement (podcast type thing), would not be a venue. And at the same time, may well be super compelling, given it has an industry voice and perspective similar to what BYTE had.

MIT Technology Review is subscription-based and they have podcasts and YT channels. You could run expensive ads in print mags like Scientific American or Harvard Business Review, but you'll reach a far bigger audience online.

This will be true even if the subscription fee was hundreds of dollars per year. Podcasts and short videos are effectively low-cost infomercials for your product. Their purpose is not to make revenue by reading out intermittent ads, but attract an audience that might subscribe.

Agreed, and those things can even deliver some value and remain sales tools for the main product.

I fail to see how doing those things has to dilute the main product.

I still get magazines...mostly for the building trade. Fuck digital. There is something about print that makes people get their shit together and produce quality content. You can't just wing it with some fluffy clickbait and Google ad-sense.

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