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Chris Dixon on Twitter: “Why Web 3 Matters ” (twitter.com/cdixon)
5 points by jedwhite on Sept 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This is a great articulation of the vision of web 3.

However so far we still don’t have any applications that aren’t essentially just speculative financial derivatives.

Or have we?

here here. i see no evidence that we're empowering the users chris claims to be liberating from the alleged supervillianous megacorps of the day.

for all the talk of users i see nearly nothing in web3 about hosting content, about letting people publish, make their words or ideas enduring via these upstart authoritarian-but-distributed protocols. it's a hard to use complex demanding technology that ephemeralizes the cloud into something even more out of reach, even less overt in it's operations. ultra-serverless, from the users perspective: even if you did want to bring your compute it would do you no good (unless at epic scale), not be possible, be incompatible with this tightly synced & knit market of scarcity, where we keep making sure very few are awarded computing credit.

two shout outs- web3 is stupid, clarifying many of the dowmsides, and atok.cloud, trying to make available more classic p2p ideas & wide-scale hostability in web3,



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