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Covid-19 patients take hospitals to court to demand ivermectin (fivethirtyeight.com)
7 points by samizdis on Sept 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

> Though ivermectin has been around for decades, it’s still a drug and it can have side effects and potentially negative impacts, Bramante said. Not only is there not yet evidence that it works, we also don’t know if it could be harmful.

The side effects and negative impacts are well known, and the safe doses are similarly well known and long studied.

It might not work; but if it wasn't for the political bullshit what would be the harm in trying it?

Colloidal silver is even sillier but if someone drinks it for a week it's not going to harm them and the value for their peace of mind seems positive. Are doctors going to similar lengths to fight that rumor born treatment for... well everything, if you listen to the advoctes.

Correct. It can be part of a cocktail of treatments so there is no opportunity cost either. But it seems like monoclonal antibodies are the best option if one must choose. Ivermectin has not been too impressive in recent research. But research has gone stupid over politics this past year so it’s hard to trust the so called experts at this point. Even if the research is good things are spun by medical pundits with ego in the game.

Regarding colloidal silver, I’m reminded of our favorite ‘grey rep’ Stan Jones - it’s turned a number of folks blue over the years. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/story/does-colloi...]

Depends on your definition of harm I guess.

Taking ivermectin instead of actually doing anything useful for Covid seems pretty dumb. The folks overdosing on it, lethally dumb.

this ivermectin stuff could cure Covid 19, in the same way a shotgun blast to the head cures cancer... It just wont save the patient... (facepalm) Not sure who the bigger idiot is though; the court (allowing them to use it), the paient (for wating it) or the hospital (agreeing and allowing it)...

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