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> I detest it so much that sometimes it makes me wonder if I even want to continue in the programming space

Hugs. I'm sure we've all suffered this Kafkaesque torture. But it still sucks.

Have you heard of the CIA (nee OSS) book on Simple Sabotage Field Manual? http://www.simplesabotage.com

It predates Brazil, Office Space, Dilbert, etc. After reading this book, and observing management, it's hard to imagine it's not all deliberate. There's just something inherently evil in bureaucracy.

> ...you could make the argument "You Are Doing It Wrong™"

Ages ago my company's study group tackled Applying Use Cases: A Practical Guide. https://www.amazon.com/Applying-Use-Cases-Practical-Guide/dp... After all the monkey motion with UML, schemes, design patterns, etc, this book was like a clarion blasting away ignorance and ambiguity.

It was so clear. Do the use cases. Then directly derive architect from those use cases. Voila! Impossible to fuck up.

However. Young me learned a very valuable lesson.

Nothing is so obvious and virtuous and good that some whackadoodles cannot, will not comprehend it.

But why?

Obstinance? Actual confusion? Inability to suspend disbelief? White knuckled desperate grasp on prior beliefs? Fear? Moral and philosophical opposition? Refusal to concede control (power)?

I have no idea why.

Whatever the root cause, I've experienced these impasses so many times, I've simply given up.

I eventually learned to do whatever it takes to publicly appease the tyrannical gods of confusion, then do any actual work as able on the down low.

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