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I lived and worked remotely from a van in Australia for a year... in 2008. It was pretty different back then. We kitted the van out with a solar panel and batteries. There was some 3G service available near roads, and something like CDMA a little more widely. But at times we'd end up driving miles of dirt track to try to find high ground to pick up a signal. My gf would hold the 3G receiver up and look for signal. During one of these treks, trying to turn around on a narrow dirt track way outside of Tenant Creek, the side of the road collapsed like a sand dome under one wheel of the van and we began listing to the side. I had to hold it up with my shoulder so the whole van wouldn't fall over on its side. My gf got out, causing it to tip even more, and started throwing herself against the back of it, while I tried to rock it out of the ditch. It was at this point that I noticed that what I had thought was a tree branch (odd, since there were no trees around), was actually a 4-5 foot long black snake that was moving rather quickly toward us up the road. I guess that gave us the adrenaline burst we needed, because we miraculously heaved the van free and jumped inside just in time. I started it and unceremoniously drove right over the snake.

Another funny story... One night camping off a road, not in a campsite, we heard a ruckus outside the van where we had our table and cooking stuff set up under a tarp. It was pitch black out. We kept a katana under the platform bed for protection. So I opened the rear door and jumped out in my boxers and sandals, holding this sword, and found myself looking at a large kangaroo that was rifling through our cookware. I got back in the van and said, forget it, I'm not fighting that thing... we'll just have to clean it up in the morning.

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