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China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative Society [pdf] (worldbank.org)
3 points by jxub on Sept 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments


So we are about halfway there if the goal is that China is a high income country by 2030.

Say what you will about Chinese government but they way they lay out long term plans and execute on them is fascinating.

Indeed, look at what Franklin Roosevelt was able to accomplish in his four terms as US President. We almost had nationalized health care system. Continuity of executive leadership has tremendous impact on a country’s ability to function and grow.

I think one thing is who is the president. Another is the massive bureaucracy that sits below them and does all this detailed policy formulation. It is the latter, and their ability to plan in a both realistic and strategic manner, that really makes the difference.

I don't think the World Bank should collaborate on such a report, since it legitimizes the one-party rule of the Chinese Communist Party. An honest report would start by saying that China should become a multi-party democracy with freedom of speech, respect for property rights, and the rule of law, instead of being a quasi-dictatorship where the law is what Xi Jinping says it is.

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