The US is still not ready. The vast majority of people have access to only over subscribed coaxial cable internet, with non existent upload allocation.
Anecdotally, I'm always very impressed with the connectivity I see in the US versus my home connection in the UK. I'm fairly certain that the last mile from my suburban home to the cabinet is made of corroded aluminium.
UK is certainly worse. Even in a well populated suburb 10min from Birmingham, I know a family that can only get ADSL or some other service like that at 2Mbps.
I have been spoiled with symmetric 1Gbps up and down fiber for a few years, and using the internet is like turning on the electric or gas or water, you do not ever have to think about it.
I live in central London (zone 2) and the fastest wired broadband service available at my house is slower than 20Mbps. (I'm playing with LTE now, but so far it's been a bit of a mixed bag.)