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For me working with different languages and seeing different codebases helped a lot.

I have always been a solo dev, I have some 6 years of experience, including 3 years getting paid for it. However, up until 1 year ago, I knew only PHP and JavaScript - and I did not know about many good practices in either language - i.e. I did not even use a linting plugin, I was sloppy with git commits.

Then one year ago I picked TypeScript for a long-term personal project. TypeScript is now my main language.

- I was still working in PHP ocassionally (to get paid) - after using TypeScript and Eslint, I decided I at least need to use some linter in PHP. The linter had a very useful rule I did not not have in Eslint, rule that said: "This looks like commented out code". Thanks to this, my new TypeScript project is now not polluted with commented out comments all over the place. I'm not sure if I would have picked it up if not for this small detour.

- I was used to describing what every function does, even if it was obvious just from the name of it. This is because it's a very common practice in some PHP projects - I presume this is probably because of lack of the type system, you have to use PHP doc to comment function parameters, and if you comment function parameters, you may want to add the description of the function anyway. Thankfully I took some detour, I wanted to learn a bit of C++. I looked at some codebases, particularly Chromium - and I was surprised to see how little comments it had, compared to say, WordPress (PHP). I immediately knew this is the right approach for me. I started dropping any obvious comments and not repeating myself and instead name variables / functions to be more descriptive.

- I also looked a bit into Rust and saw how the language is using return results rather than exceptions. I compared both approaches and decided that it would be better if I used return results rather than exception, as Typescript has no way to annotate that a function throws and what it throws.

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