To whom, exactly? This is where things begin to fall apart because something "obvious" to you is such due to a number of factors -- the culture and society you grew up in being only part of the equation -- while not at all obvious to many others. You're attempting to draw a hard, objective line in something very subjective. This is why this problem isn't easy to solve and why it is very easy for otherwise good-intentioned folks to be chastised.
>Everything needs nuance and discretion. The world is complicated.
I agree.
>But throwing our hands up in the air and saying “this could hypothetically be abused” is not a reason to remain paralyzed in the face of hostility within a community.
You just built a straw-man argument, completely blowing away the previous statement. Not every slight will be composed of some obvious insult to transgendered folks. There have been and will continue to be perceived slights where no such thing was intended. On top of all that there have been and will continue to be people who feign offense and will attempt to have someone they disagree with tared, feathered, and removed.
How do you intend to deal with the latter of these scenarios; when someone innocent is accused? You can avoid many such events by considering the nuance and acting with discretion. What you said so far does none of that.
If GGP was being genuine and was really insulted by GGGPs suggested (which from the tone of the post, they probably weren’t) then there is every reason to talk to GGGP and ask them to change their behavior, if they fail to do so, you might start to think they are acting in malice towards GGP. If the insult is obvious then the case is pretty clear cut, however if it not we can believe at least believe GGP when they claim they were hurt. They might have a reason to be hurt that we don’t know about.
To whom, exactly? This is where things begin to fall apart because something "obvious" to you is such due to a number of factors -- the culture and society you grew up in being only part of the equation -- while not at all obvious to many others. You're attempting to draw a hard, objective line in something very subjective. This is why this problem isn't easy to solve and why it is very easy for otherwise good-intentioned folks to be chastised.
>Everything needs nuance and discretion. The world is complicated.
I agree.
>But throwing our hands up in the air and saying “this could hypothetically be abused” is not a reason to remain paralyzed in the face of hostility within a community.
You just built a straw-man argument, completely blowing away the previous statement. Not every slight will be composed of some obvious insult to transgendered folks. There have been and will continue to be perceived slights where no such thing was intended. On top of all that there have been and will continue to be people who feign offense and will attempt to have someone they disagree with tared, feathered, and removed.
How do you intend to deal with the latter of these scenarios; when someone innocent is accused? You can avoid many such events by considering the nuance and acting with discretion. What you said so far does none of that.