I don't think crypto would solve this particular issue. Stripe needs the ability to back out of moving money, so there's several settlement periods for different parts of the transaction and ways to appeal transfers retroactively.
I suspect fraudster's are able to wait out this period without detection so they can cash out. If this is the case, then even time locking smart contracts won't help, as the fraudsters just wait out the time period. At that point Stripe would have even less recourse to recover money, as retroactive transfers are not possible at that point.
I could see services such as their debit card offering being abusable too.
They also likely have to worry about things such as predatory recurring payments as those will result in chargebacks which could ultimately fall on Stripe to foot.
As I understand it: When A pays B with Bitcoin via the Lightning Network, B can almost instantly be sure that they have the money. There is no way for A or an intermediary to take it back.
I suspect fraudster's are able to wait out this period without detection so they can cash out. If this is the case, then even time locking smart contracts won't help, as the fraudsters just wait out the time period. At that point Stripe would have even less recourse to recover money, as retroactive transfers are not possible at that point.
I could see services such as their debit card offering being abusable too.
They also likely have to worry about things such as predatory recurring payments as those will result in chargebacks which could ultimately fall on Stripe to foot.