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> For example in my part of the UK, only designated taxis can pick up ride hailers on the street, sort of like black cabs in London.

Yeah, that makes sense, that's the only thing I've seen around the world as well. But can these designated taxis reject customers at will? That was my question.

Practically, they can but I'm not sure about the regulations. Interesting question though.

In most countries Taxi drivers cannot refuse a passenger hailing them. Its difficult to enforce and they normally claim they did not see you but they must take you:


"Cabbies can be penalised for refusing passengers" https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2019/8/3/c...

Canada - Montreal:


"Le titulaire d'un permis de chauffeur de taxi ne peut refuser d'effectuer une course"


"Normalement, un taxi n'a pas le droit de refuser une course sauf si vous êtes à 50 mètres d'une borne de taxi et qu'un taxi attend à cette borne"


and so on...

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