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Report ranking energy consumption of the leading Proof-of-Stake ledgers (ucl.ac.uk)
3 points by em3rgent0rdr on Sept 10, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

the report: http://blockchain.cs.ucl.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/UC...

Results Table VI: Global power consumption (i.e. the network-wide consumption of the DLT systems under consideration and VisaNet) and the energy consumed per transaction for contemporary throughput

  Platform | Per transaction (kW h/tx)
  Eth. 2.0 |   0.00009 – 0.00286 (High throughput projection)
  Eth. 2.0 |   0.01823 – 0.55713 (Low throughput projection)
  Algorand |   0.00017 – 0.00534
  Cardano  |   0.01239 – 0.37854
  Polkadot |   0.00378 – 0.11556
  Tezos    |   0.00036 – 0.01096
  Hedera   |   0.00002 – 0.00004
  Bitcoin  | 360.39300 – 3691.40700
  VisaNet  |   0.00358

I wonder if the people who currently say "Bitcoin should be banned because of its pointless CO2 emissions" will say the same about Visa once Ethereum overtakes it in efficiency. I won't hold my breath while I wait for that to happen though.

Sure, why not. Presumably all the features of Visa can be implemented in smart contracts.

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