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The Southwest's Looming Water Battle (cnn.com)
2 points by parsonsperson on Sept 6, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

rescind the old water rights that were given so long ago. the future should not have to endure those foolish tyrannical mistakes. it cannot. do not pay fair market value to fix this mistake. take away indefinte grants. natural resources are limited, and giving them away to forever is tyranny, one the world may not suffer.

whenever someone in phoenix reddit talks water, it seems like 50+% of commenters are fully on board with "it's no problem at all"

i was thinking that covid would help people to see that big problems are not just solvable because we have modern technology -- especially when half the country not only doesn't want to fix those big problems, but wants to make them much worse.

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