What’s the value of uniform pipelines across thousands of projects? You’ve now got thousands of teams who don’t really understand how their stuff is deployed because someone handed that to them on a platter, and everyone is subjected to the uniform constraints and complexities of the shared solution whether they need to be or not…
What seem like efficiencies can rapidly become barriers.
It’s like any case where two systems share a requirement - you can factor it out into a shared library or you can duplicate the code; in the case where the common requirement is only ‘coincidental’ not ‘instrumental’, you are better off duplicating the code so that the two systems can evolve independently and not take a coupling to a shared dependency.
The same applies to infrastructure. Sure, you’ve got a dozen clusters, and it seems efficient to have one team set up and operate all of them - but are you sure the efficiency of one big team is better than twelve much smaller teams, closer to their dev orgs, who each run one cluster more tightly suited to that org’s needs?
How far down can you push that decentralization?
With smaller and smaller units of cloud compute and storage being available as services, the answer is increasingly ‘all the way to each individual application’.
What seem like efficiencies can rapidly become barriers.
It’s like any case where two systems share a requirement - you can factor it out into a shared library or you can duplicate the code; in the case where the common requirement is only ‘coincidental’ not ‘instrumental’, you are better off duplicating the code so that the two systems can evolve independently and not take a coupling to a shared dependency.
The same applies to infrastructure. Sure, you’ve got a dozen clusters, and it seems efficient to have one team set up and operate all of them - but are you sure the efficiency of one big team is better than twelve much smaller teams, closer to their dev orgs, who each run one cluster more tightly suited to that org’s needs?
How far down can you push that decentralization?
With smaller and smaller units of cloud compute and storage being available as services, the answer is increasingly ‘all the way to each individual application’.