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I'm sure even Nat Friedman saw github1s because it was high up on HN and he frequents the site.

When I saw github1s on HN a while ago I thought Githuh should just hire whoever built that.

Difficult to argue if it was a plain rip-off or not, because the idea is somewhat obvious if you work in that space.

BUT, it's amazing to see how innovation is driven by individuals and small players faster then large companies - because it's a fact that github1s was first!

Not everyone sees everything that makes it to the front page. I've been frequenting HN for 10 years and this is the first I've heard of github1s, though it's not my job to know about it. It's cool.

I think it's unlikely that none of the dozens of GitHub employees who were working on this GitHub web editor were unaware of 1s.

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