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I think the way things are headed, our governments have decided that freedom is obsolete. It is incompatible with preventing climate change. In the next couple of years, I predict a system will be brought in where all consumption will be need based regardless of income in order to prevent excess carbon emissions.

This requires that there is no ownership of property and each person's consumption is carefully metered. "In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy", as the WEF has been saying. Adjustments can be made based on compliance (e.g social credit score). The first stage of this is lockdown until consumption is reduced to targeted levels via the ruse of insanely disproportionate coronavirus restrictions. After the vaccine passports are fully implemented, the system and its AI god can go to work rationing just enough to you to live.

This is all pretty out in the open, they are just lying about how excited the world is to unconditionally embrace sustainability and equality of consumption as a guiding principle for all human activity. : https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/09/klaus-schwab-christin...

Nah, carbon rationing is socialism. The neoliberal version will be something like very high carbon tax so poor people will just be starved out more than they already are. There's no need for the boot of authoritarianism when the invisible hand of the market will produce the same outcome.

I am thinking that the whole vaccine passport and the AI god are the parts that will lead to socialism 2.0. The administrative overhead of rationing made that impossible in previous eras. If you need your vaccine passport to move around and use all services, they might be able to collect enough data to cram everyone down in an automated fashion. For example, low social credit scores cannot fly in airplanes or take trains in China. This is not science fiction, this is happening right now.

Carbon taxes are kind of a non-starter for real climate lockdown advocates because they go to governments who spend them on all sorts of corruption and waste. The carbon has to remain in the ground, not simply be redistributed.

A hell of a strawman.

I used to keep all this stuff to myself. I considered it amusing speculation by some paranoid commentators, but now it's just rolling out relentlessly like clockwork. Klaus Schwab is going along saying COVID-19 is an enormous opportunity for us to "build back better.". Al Gore's "wrenching transformation of society" is finally here! The changes will happen and, due to social media control, there will be the perception that they are what all the citizens of the world wanted and demanded. We will be presented with the appearance that we are literally begging for our chains to be put on.

There will be some good things that come out of it. The whole social hierarchy will be flattened. Since consumption will be strictly controlled no matter how much money you have, there will be very little social inequality and use of the planets resources will be based on not violating the laws and doing pro-social, pro-environment actions.

For example, you will not be able to use transport unless there is an explicitly justified need. Foreign vacations will be eliminated. Luxury and recreational goods and foods will be a very rare indulgence, regardless of how much money you have.

I'm just helping HN get ahead of the curve here. This stuff is steamrolling out so fast and effectively, especially in Australia that I can't think anyone can do anything to stop it.

The funniest thing is watching North Korea's response to the pandemic. It's like they didn't have to change anything. They just rejected 3 million doses of donated vaccine! They also report 0 Coronavirus cases. It's like Kim is saying "hey guys, we're already at the finish line, we don't need that coronavirus panic to get there." https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/1/north-korea-...

> There will be some good things that come out of it. The whole social hierarchy will be flattened.

Will it?

> Since consumption will be strictly controlled no matter how much money you have, there will be very little social inequality and use of the planets resources will be based on not violating the laws and doing pro-social, pro-environment actions.

Will it? Or will the rules not apply to those with enough money? Will they still fly to Davos in their private jets and devise more rules to cut down on how much carbon the rest of us emit?

I'd imagine it will be like how Soviet communism functioned with "perks" like Dachas in Sochi dolled out haphazardly and unofficially based on party status and "need". For anyone below the elite, I'd imagine there will be an AI god managing this sort of thing based on a fitness function of sustainability.

If you keep going down this line of thought it makes way more sense to just kill us off. Controlling consumption of 8 billion people is a non-starter.

"Population control" is a popular topic for the WEF. The WEF was started out of the Club of Rome which published "The Limits to Growth". Gates' family has deep ties to the Eugenics movement, which is now rebranded as population control. Likewise for the Rockefeller group.

Indeed, they all advocate for lowering the world's population. Today this is rationalized through the lens of climate change, but the goal preceded the climate scare.

>I used to keep all this stuff to myself.

Those were the days.

It's not a strawman. Look around you: every prestige media outfit is leaning towards authoritarianism. You might think that these ideas are just coming from a few wackos with weird ideas, but by the time an idea gets to NPR, it's well within the Overton window of proposals that the decision-makers in our society consider reasonable. And terrifyingly, outright totalitarianism is now on the table in the west.




I think you're being optimistic. I think the crusaders will succeed in tearing down the institutions that protect liberal democracy just in time for right-wing authoritarians to swoop in, take over and institute a totalitarian theocracy.

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