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Show HN: Dynamic Resume Generator (github.com/mockapapella)
7 points by Mockapapella on Aug 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Hello HN!

I've been applying for jobs recently. One of the biggest frustrations I've found is managing all the documents for my applications. I have experience in different fields, but when I'm applying for a job with specific requirements that extra experience just ends up being noise. I tried copy-pasting relevant content from a main docx file into a specialized application, but doing this for every job became very cumbersome very quickly to the point where the friction became too high and I just stopped applying.

Dynamic Resume Generator is sort of my attempt to make that process easier on myself. All I have to do is load up a JSON file with all of my credentials, selectively enable/disable them for a specific job that I'm applying to, and run the main script to generate a custom resume for that job application.

This probably isn't too special of a thing, but when I realized that I could write a quick script to alleviate my problems I was ecstatic. Given that the monthly "Ask HN: Who is Hiring/Wants to be Hired?" threads are tomorrow, I figured I'd share this with you all in the event that someone finds it useful :)

Upvoted your post.

I also created a dynamic resume generator and mine is web-based and comes with a GUI.

Let me know if you want to see mine.

Coincidentally, I also created a dynamic resume generator. Mine is web-based and comes with a GUI to handle the filtering and display.

To the people reading here: You can upvote my comment if you want me to host mine up for you to use it. If there are enough upvotes to show demand for it, I will make the time to host it.

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

I also have my own script for Resume generation but my JSON is based on the JSON resume[0] schema.

While I find these tools pretty nice and there have been a lot of attempts to standardize, I've found that almost everybody likes to maintain their own way, or redo it after a couple of years.

[0]: https://jsonresume.org

Oh cool, didn't know that was a thing. My JSON schema is loosely based on LinkedIn's categories.

It would be really nice if everything were standardized. Something like the relationship between HTML and CSS would be perfect. Part of my goal with making the final output so bland and straightforward was to improve the likelyhood that automated systems would be able to parse it correctly.

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