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Show HN: The Cloud Resume Challenge Book
2 points by forrestbrazeal on Aug 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Since April 2020, the Cloud Resume Challenge [0] has helped hundreds of people

• skill up on cloud,

• improve their career prospects,

• and even land cloud jobs from totally non-tech fields like plumbing and HR.

I ended up turning the challenge into a book to help the next generation of folks transition to cloud, and I'm very excited to offer it to HN readers at a 10% discount! [1]

What’s inside the ebook:

° 130+ pages of tools, tips, and bonus projects

• The secret “17th step” that makes your project stand out above the crowd

• How to write a challenge blog post that will get the right kind of attention

• Four all-new bonus projects covering AWS, Kubernetes, and more

• Proven challenge-to-job strategies for both career-changers and upskillers

• Case studies from challenge champions: how they got hired, what they learned

Plus, you get free access to my regular “Best Jobs in Cloud” newsletter [2], featuring curated job opportunities for both juniors and seniors - a $50/year value.

You can check out the original challenge, which forms the backbone of the book, at [3]. I would love any thoughts or feedback.

[0] https://cloudresumechallenge.dev

[1] https://forrestbrazeal.gumroad.com/l/cloud-resume-challenge-book/website-offer

[2] https://cloudirregular.substack.com/p/coming-soon-the-best-jobs-in-cloud

[3] https://cloudresumechallenge.dev/instructions/

I left this comment on a previous thread. I'm hoping this thread gains traction.

I like the challenge and I'm definitely interested in learning new stuff. Who is the target audience? Will this be helpful for existing software developers who don't normally work neck deep in cloud?

Does anyone have any link on salary comparison between cloud engineers (or posns working on cloud) vs the regular SWEs (software engineers) ?

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