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Reddit’s teach-the-controversy stance on Covid vaccines sparks wider protest (arstechnica.com)
4 points by throwawaysea on Aug 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I've commented before on how using "teach-the-controversy" to describe this idea of letting people have the discussions they want embodies the view of the world as a classroom. This is already the second time ArsTechnica uses this description. Some headline editor there really thinks that this is a clever phrase. They really think of redditors as school children.

> They really think of redditors as school children.

I forgive them. I think the same on ars technica and its wider community. The rationalization to shut up others in the name of free speech is ridiculous.

You can protest in the name of free speech of course. You cannot shut up others. There is a significant difference.

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