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What kind of submarines don't kill?

'Hunter Killer', or just 'Killer', is a different role to 'Subsurface Ballistic Nuclear', so not all submarines are 'Killer'.

The 'largely around coastal waters' (littoral) should hint at this.

"Killer" subs are designed to "kill" other subs. They're distinguished from nuclear missile subs, and from subs used mainly for scouting and transport.

> "Killer" subs are designed to "kill" other subs. They're distinguished from nuclear missile subs

Isn't that what I said?

> and from subs used mainly for scouting and transport

For actual navies (as opposed to for example drug smugglers) scouting and transport (which is super-niche) is done by hunter killer submarines - they aren't a separate thing.

Perhaps one designed for tapping into undersea cables, stealthy deployment of Special Operations teams in hostile waters, and such? (Yes, if of any size, such a sub would probably have some torpedoes or other lethal weapons. But for military naming purposes, a few "hopefully it'll never actually need this thing..." weapons hardly qualify as it as a "killer".)

I don't believe a ballistic nuclear missile submarine has ever killed anyone intentionally, and I think everyone hopes one never will.

Why can’t AIP create silent non-killer submarines?

I imagine if you’re studying life in the deep ocean, a silent submarine is nice.

AIP isn't quieter than a batter powered submarine, it's quieter than a nuclear powered submarine.

Unless you're doing ridiculously long research dives (in which case batteries don't suffice), or you care about noise on the surface (where you would use a traditional air burning diesel engine to recharge) it doesn't seem like this brings any advantages.

So, for submarines, it's a killer only technology. That's a first.

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