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I want to improve parts of online professional networking, specifically to be more about self-mentoring/shared learning, as opposed to sales connections.

This is ever more important with the onset of remote hiring, remote work, and the isolation/depersonalization it brings to newcomers to the industry.

There's also an "evil" momentum in remote hiring -- some companies _need_ asynchronous interviews to support their scaling and operations, and the general perception is that it's impersonal and dehumanizing.

This made me think that if we preemptively answered interview questions publicly, then it'd empower the job seekers to have a better profile/fight back a dehumanizing step, while allowing non-job-seekers to share the lessons that were important to them.

I've been getting decent feedback on my attempt at the solution HumblePage https://humble.page, the reality is that there's a mental hurdle to putting your honest thoughts out there.

This is a nice idea, to talk about and get thinking about these "soft" questions that people often struggle with.

One feedback about the homepage: show a few examples of how people have answered questions, below the prompt. That's more helpful to get us thinking about our own answers, compared to a blank field. (Also, it's not clear what the percentages are meant to represent there. And I'm guessing the number next to the edit icon shows how many people have answered the question already? May need some UI tweaks on these.)

Your guess is close! It is the total numbers, and the green/blue ratio indicate how many people answered the prompt publicly vs privately.

My intention was to show the general comfort level of answering the prompt in public. Looking back, I wonder if I was being too quirky.

I’m thinking the same on needing UI tweaks, I’m planning for major rearrangements.

Thank you for your interest. Please feel free to reach out via the contacts if you’d like an invite.

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