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> when that student starts generating income then a small percentage from that income is auto-deducted and distributed to everyone who was involved in that student's education.

Your idea, if implemented well, may end up being a net positive for society, but I can't help imagining a future where every child, from the moment they are born, has a biometric ID connecting them to a consortium of companies which provide their education, health care, housing, energy, internet connectivity, transport, media access, and so on.

It would be like living in a company town, being paid in company scrip, except you wouldn't notice the restrictions (as long as you kept earning). If you ever increased your income, your consortium might let you choose whether you want to upgrade your housing or your health care plan, but if you lost your job, they'd force you to take one of their choosing and downgrade your plans if it had a lower salary.

In this dystopia, all consumables from food to toilet paper would presumably be sold by Amazon, and other items like furniture and electronics would be provided as a service so that you rent them from your consortium. The only question is why people wouldn't try to undo this system through the political process, but then we might ask that about the current system.

> Your idea, if implemented well, may end up being a net positive for society

Thank you!

> but I can't help imagining a future where every child, from the moment they are born, has a biometric ID connecting them to a consortium of companies which provide their education, health care, housing, energy, internet connectivity, transport, media access, and so on.

My idea will not have that side-effect because not only is the project non-profit and open source, but it is also decentralised. And if we keep thinkng of a dystopian future then we won't be able to do anything positive unless we become some sort of social revolutionaries. I don't have those skills. But I can think of small ideas to make a positive impact that benefits everyone though. The idea I listed in my original post above is very simple, it helps teachers, lecturers, or anyone who contibutes to a persons monetary decent life via education get appropriately paid for their efforts, and everyone(i.e. businesses) who benefits from an educated person should contribute towards that.

It is a simple idea but notoriously diffcult to deploy because there is a possibility of this getting caught up in a political slugfest.

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