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I've been an EM at a startup and an F500. Don't be scared to have less meetings than your peers. I basically only do one 1-hour sprint meeting each sprint to review the last sprint and to plan for the next one. It may help to have standups daily at first but you can often make them less frequent over time.

Also, always avoid meetings to ideate. These are some of the most common and they are a huge waste of time compared to listing out ideas in a doc and having people review that asynchronously. And yet these meetings have a tendency to get called all the time. For example "there was a fire, let's get all the leads/EMs/directors together for 1 hour to figure out how to avoid this next time".

Your two most important duties are 1) making sure your developers are given space to implement what's important and 2) building relationships throughout the company to better anticipate future needs that helps you do #1.

Happy to chat anytime as well, email in profile.

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