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I try to find an agile project management tool that works for us. We run on what many would call Scrum (it’s not actually Scrum).

We are on JIRA now, and it’s … JIRA. We tried basically any other tool, including Excel (yes, that is somewhat possible).

My problem generally is that tools are slow, planning is cumbersome, visibility is limited and reporting for clients is often even more limited.

Heck, I’d even write my own tool if I knew it would help others, but I am concerned it’s too close to what we already have for anyone to actually migrate.

You could help me by sharing your thoughts!

I've recently started using ClickUp for managing my helpdesk and development work and I like it a lot. I don't do scrum myself but the product claims to be useful for that kind of work, as well as many other approaches and use cases.

https://clickup.com https://clickup.com/on-demand-demo

ClickUp for Agile Workflows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9hZRwivnL8

Depends on workflow and team size. For small teams good fit could be some kanban based tools, for example Trello or GitHub projects.

You could also modern try agile tools, for example Linear. JIRA is good for 100+ teams and complex architectures.

We use Restyaboard for Agile marketing in that you will be able to manage all your projects, teams, and clients from one single space. https://restya.com/board/demo

Is linear.app in the realm of what you're looking for? Have you tried that?

Not affiliated, but I've had a positive experience with it in a small team. I would describe it as an IDE for issues.

Asana works really good for us. Really good UI/UX and fast, which I think it's the best feature they have :)

have you tried https://tara.ai/?

Try Asana

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