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Japan tests a rotary detonation engine in space, big increase in fuel efficiency (futurism.com)
4 points by MichaelMoser123 on Aug 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Would an toroidal aerospike work with rotary detonation? :-)

What sort of nozzles can one use with an RDE?

I see that one can have multiple rotating pulses in an RDE [1]; I guess with some work the engine designer can control the number of pulses, is that right?

Are there performance tradeoffs when deciding how many pulses to employ? What are they? If employing multiple pulses, does one want them rotating the same direction, or opposite directions?

BTW, Scott Manley has an introductory video about RDEs [2].

[1] 5:50 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws4kbgfpKCw

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG_Eh0J_4_s

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