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Please read your own quote back to yourself.

Does it make any hard, falsifiable claims (e.g. "eating one clove of garlic daily reduces the probability of catching a cold by 26%")? Does it make any prescriptive recommendations at all (at least to people that are not hyperlypemic)? Does it even sound remotely at all like hard science?

Regardless of the validity of the health claims, does this mean people should actually start eating something that is repulsive to both them and everybody else around them?

You had me at every until saying garlic is repulsive. Shots fired, I grown garlic but I most often consume it fried in olive oil to pull out compounds into the oils for flavor.

Another way one is fermented with hot peppers to make hot sauce. Just a little bit of garlic goes a long way.

One hint, always remove or discard the green "germ" or kernel of the garlic before using in food prep. The nasty garlic flavor comes from there.

Planting and growing garlic is easy and for northerners we plant in the Autumn. Video related:


Mate I'm a wog. I generally quadruple garlic amounts recommended in recipes. GP was suggesting eating it raw, though, in large quantity.

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