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Yeah, these downvotes are silly. My guess would be not rage but simple disagreement, neither of which justify downvotes.

Raw garlic is very intense, I've never heard of eating that except minced in salsa.

I'd also say we're not evolved for purely vegetable eating, we've had access to cooked meat from fire for probably 1-2 million years. This is one reason our brains expanded, because we gained access to richer foods like cooked meat with fat, which in turn supported more brain cognition.

> I'd also say we're not evolved for purely vegetable eating

how come I can get all my necessary nutrients from it so?

> This is one reason our brains expanded, because we gained access to richer foods like cooked meat with fat, which in turn supported more brain cognition.

This also is interesting, it's definitely possible that at this time humans didn't have access to enough vegetable, it was pretty cold 1-2 million years ago, people like inuits obviously don't eat much plant-based food. Fire was an important step (for creating warmth at least), for cooking see this https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/food-for-thought-... which puts things more in relief

In brief, you're putting 2 confounding factors together: brain size expansion and cooked meat. It's very likely that our environment challenges forced us to adapt and get more intelligent, but the causal effect you're saying is not true, just like any logical implication can't be reversed

It's also fun because you are also implying "you'll be more clever by eating meat than vegetables" which is also wrong nowadays, just because we can't compare a situation that happened 1 million years ago in a different context.

My understanding of the theory is that animals which subsist on greens have a huge gut to allow for fermentation to get the calories from the fiber in the plants. Eating meat allowed our brains to grow larger and gut to shrink, since meat is more calorie dense, and the brain consumes a lot of energy.

I use to use a lot of raw garlic mixing with mayo or potatoes or whatever.

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