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Microsoft updates Windows Phone 7 logo: Now it's a square (techcrunch.com)
2 points by bkudria on Aug 1, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think this goes to show how Microsoft misses the details. I never liked the round logo on my phone. I never new why, but it always looked off. If you want to view the old logo, it's still on the Microsoft Windows Phone page http://www.microsoft.com/windowsphone/en-us/default.aspx

I just rebooted my Mango phone to see if I get the square logo, and I do. It makes so much more sense than the circle.

How did Microsoft not notice that everything about WP7 was square, and then give it a round logo, with a square inside.

Hopefully somebody there now is paying attention to these details.

It goes well with the metro UI.

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